Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We'rrrrrrrrrrrrree baaaack!

  • This picture was taken at our peak, the pinnacle of our pleasure, the height of our happiness, the apex of our exultations...but in fear of veering towards the verbose I will continue.
  • There is one reason for this post and one reason only. After Casey kicked Chris out of the band for a few songs last show and after Marcus lost his passion for the music, we broke up. Marcus has picked up his passion, Chris and Casey have consolidated their camaraderie, and we are back!
  • Join us for Straight Monday on Monday, this Monday, December 6, 2010. Location and exact times will be announced in the Facebook event.
  • We're still Straight Monday, not Gay Tuesday.
Forgive my alliteration kick.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Str8 Monday: Raintree

Our friend and associate Chadwick McFadyen was a great host the other night, reserving the Raintree Clubhouse for us where we had a great show.

The night was momentous for a few reasons...

A) There was a loft. Never before have we had a loft at one of our shows. Look at the great view from above.

B) Marcus was wearing a bright red onesie with a jacket made of an entire sheep. Drummers have never looked so good. I think he plans on wearing the same outfit on his next date. Girls, keep your fingers crossed that you're the lucky one who gets to go out with him dressed lookin that good.

C) Eli came to the show. I think he enjoyed it. See below

(If you didn't know, Eli is my little brother)

Show awards and sidenotes

-Michelle Mettenet gets award for most unauthorized stage entrances

-Sean Madsen got the band autographed set list. True fans will recognize that although "Poker Face" is not on the list, we did in fact play it.

-Blake Hansen wins the management award. Great work even with a girlfriend.

-Katie Wade might be the new biggest fan. She has been doing a lot to make her case. This isn't nepotism either.

-We're starting to trust Chris a lot more. I mean, he is just a bass player and he has only been in the band for three weeks, but he really played a great show.

-Look to hear Jered Robinson's newest rap at our next show this Saturday!

We're Straight Monday, not Gay Tuesday...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Contraversy (the spelling of this word is a controversy)

Controversy has stricken the band.

Some of us want to perform Mmmbop. Some of us don't.


p.s. Movies and pictures really are on the way soon. Just waiting on a few things...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Separate Ways

Who: Straight Monday

What: Monday Concert Series, Straight as an Arrow

When: October 11, 2010

Where: Manboy's Vineyard

It was our straightest show to date with many memorable events. Like such as....

-Nate returning from his trip in memorable fashion, crowd surfing to the front and pelvic thrusting immediately?

-Josh forgetting the number one fan WWF belt that we had given him only hours earlier

-Michelle Mettenet learning that we actually have a keyboardist (me) that plays.

-Katie Wade foregoing studying and writing several papers due the next day to be there

-Chadwick McFadyen gaining a testimony of Straight Monday

-An impromptu encore, totally unexpected, of one of the greatest rock songs ever. "Separate Ways" by Journey.

Pictures and video are on the way!

As a side note, we have now made a table on our white board in our apartment, Windsor Park Apartment 276! of our biggest fans. Categories include: number of shows attended, number of Facebook statii about Straight Monday, and number of wall posts on the Straight Monday fan page. A possible new category is being considered: number of plasma donations where the money from said donation went to the band fund for new equipment. Ideas for other categories are being considered. This is an individual contest, but remember, don't forget to include your group name. Honorable mentions are included below the table, along with arrows indicating the fervor of their fanhood.

Management awards: Chris Kneipp. His camera is here, he organized a great show, brought the crowds, filmed, made us even more viral than before (we are getting so sick), and provided the venue.

New fan bio: Chadwick Neil McFadyen

We're Straight Monday, not Gay Tuesday

p.s. Recent rumors say that our arch-nemesis, Gay Tuesday, is rearing its nasty head.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Str8 through Sunday

Boom. Just like that video, Straight Monday exploded onto the scene this last weekend. While Marcus Barton, Casey Goodman, Spencer Flake and I all played at our ward opening social a week and a half ago, this was our first time playing under the banner of "Straight Monday." It was an action packed weekend for the band. A quick rundown of band actions:

  • Hired a Marketing Director (Chris Keneipp)
  • Hired a Band Manager (Blake E. Hansen)
  • Hired a Band Photographer (Alex Sorensen)
  • Gained several groupies
  • Played at National Katy Perry Day celebration (more below)
  • Hired a blogger to reach out to our fan base (Nate Steele)
  • Played at a hip new venue that will be unveiling its name soon
  • Several undercover, super secret band decisions that will be unveiled later but are awesome
  • Went viral
  • Blogged about stuff

    It was busy, but it was worth it.

Our friend Jessica Bradley loves Katy Perry. We just happened to know a Katy Perry song. Add the two together, square it and take the cosine of the function [ cos(JB<3kp+str8mon)^2>

The next night was a follow up show (entitled "Straight Monday straight through Sunday") at Nate Steele's and Chris Keneipp's starting at 11:59 p.m. Saturday night. What a venue! Chris grew horns, Marcus rocked a guitar solo to end the night, and Casey sang about kissing.....people. Apparently the keyboard was inaudible because Michelle Mettenet accused me of not actually playing anything at all and just pretending to play. She was demoted on the fan list for saying that, but she might be able to make it up. I am not going to put more pictures on here because I must not know how to do it well. Just those two pictures took way too much effort. Our band photographer posted all the pics on Facebook.com, a new social networking sight. Maybe you've heard of it.

We're Straight Monday. Not Gay Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I only said it would be easy...

And boom goes the dynamite. Just like that I make my triumphant return to the blogosphere (my first was a tour de force on the evils of filling up your water bottle at the tall drinking fountain. good stuff). This is my second annual posting of a blog, this time aptly title "I never said it would be worth it..." referring to the popular "scripture" found in the fifth gospel, 121st chapter. I think that this "quote" is one of the most popular misquotes of all time. That is the format this new and improved blog is going to take. I hope it can be an opportunity for me to share the funny and random things that happen near me, to me, and to my cool sisters who also seem to have some pretty funny things. I don't know what we do to deserve to be witnesses to some seriously great unintentionally comedic moments but we are. I also hope that this can be a forum for me to keep track of what has happened in my life. I'm a college senior, unsure of what life has in store for me, a sports fanatic, and I suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliaphiba (not really but I thought a word like that deserved some exposure). My life isn't exciting, but I'm sure my mom will read about it...occasionally.